SA 360

Google Marketing Platform

Search Ads 360

Fast, high-quality insights from real people in your target audience

A key part of your ad tech stack, Search Ads 360 combines up-to-the-minute data from your campaigns across multiple engines and media channels

Google Surveys 360 gives you direct access to industry and consumer insights that matter specifically to your business. Move past costly and lengthy traditional market research with the leading online voice-of-customer solution from Google.

Ensure all campaigns are updated and optimized across all search engines

How does your online journey measure up? What is the timeframe between browsing and buying? Who is in the market for your product or solution? Google Surveys 360 taps directly into your target audience, gaining data-driven insights into key business questions.

Efficiently and effectively ensure that your paid search initiatives are always up to date and consistently implemented across the paid search market

Manage dynamic advertising features for personalized, dynamic remarketing, manage shared paid search budgets and pacing, and apply AI-powered bid strategies tailored to your various paid search campaigns, and the business objectives they support.

Options span three solution tiers ranging from standard Google Surveys to Google Surveys 360 with dedicated and expert support

  • Pay as you go: Run one-off surveys through our Surveys 360 instance at cost with a service fee to assist with submission of your survey and compilation of results.
  • Try before you buy: Sign on for a single, turnkey survey for $5k. As a certified Surveys 360 Partner, we will conduct the survey on your behalf, compile results and deliver the report complete with recommendations for next steps.

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Efficient, effective SEM

Using the Search Ads 360 bid management platform means that we’re able to deploy a robust, weighted bid management strategy that more effectively aligns with our goals while enabling us to confidently scale acquisition performance in a way that exceeds business expectations.

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